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      Boveda 60 Gram(69%)
      Boveda 60 Gram(69%)
      Boveda 60 Gram(69%)

      Boveda 60 Gram(69%)

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      2 way humidity control pack 

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      • CREATE THE PERFECT WOOD HUMIDOR with the global leader in 2-way humidity control—the mess-free approach to prepare a wood humidor before adding cigars and Boveda patented humidity control to restore and/or keep premium cigars to a precise Relative Humidity (RH) level.
      • WHY SEASON—Boveda delivers moisture directly to the cellular structure of a wood humidor, resulting in a tighter seal and preventing the wood from stealing moisture from your premium cigars.
      • EASY SEASON—Simply place the 84% RH Boveda in an EMPTY humidor for two (2) weeks. Boveda should be tossed. When finished, seasoning away (Boveda is not reused) and replace with appropriate Boveda. RH
      • USE THE RIGHT AMOUNT—For every 25 TOTAL cigars that a humidor may contain, use one (1) Size 60 Boveda. For a humidor with a capacity of 100 cigars, use four (4) Size 60 Boveda at the same time. Do you want to season a smaller humidor? Use less Boveda.
      • The factory seals the RESEALABLE high-barrier plastic bag. If you keep the zip tight, you may anticipate these unopened Boveda to stay fresh for up to 2 years before you use them.
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      Boveda 60 Gram(69%)

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      Boveda 60 Gram(69%)

      Boveda 60 Gram(69%)

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