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      Curivari Buenaventura BV500 single cigar
      Curivari Buenaventura BV500 single cigar

      Curivari Buenaventura BV500 single cigar

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      Delivered within 1-2 days - Overnight where possible
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      Length: 5 1/4"
      Ring Gauge: 50
      Strength: Medium

      Packaging: 1 Single
      Vitola: Robusto
      Smoking Time: 45 Minutes

      Wrapper: Nicaraguan
      Binder: Nicaraguan
      Filler: Nicaraguan

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      All Buenaventura cigars use only the traditional Cuban cigar making process with authentic Cuban Criollo and Corojo seed grown in Nicaragua.

      From cultivation, to fermentation and aging, every detail makes a difference. During the production of each cigar, every single leaf has been touched by the hands of people to complete maturity. Only then the full, deep aroma of tobacco truly develops.

      Curivari cigars are made with 100% Cuban seed Nicaraguan tobacco.
      They are blended for a classic Cuban flavour profile that is enjoyed, not with focus on strength, but more looking for flavour and aroma in a right balance. All cigars are finished with a triple cap.

      BV 500

      The box pressed BV500 is a medium bodied cigar offering notes of cedar, cocoa and a slight spice towards the end.  Rated in the top 25 of Cigar Aficionado, it's a premium well balanced cigar handmade in Nicaragua.

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      Curivari Buenaventura BV500 single cigar

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      Curivari Buenaventura BV500 single cigar

      Curivari Buenaventura BV500 single cigar

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      Delivered within 1-2 days - Overnight where possible