Premier Cigars, Pipes and Tobacco
Premier Cigars, Pipes and Tobacco
Serie G is a medium-bodied blend with an original African-Cameroon wrapper. The natural richness of Nicaraguan fillers complements the wrapper's distinct flavour nuances.
Melanio Oliva began growing cigar tobacco in Cuba in the late 1800s, which launched the Oliva Cigar narrative. His heirs continued the family farming legacy, but it was his grandson Gilberto Oliva Sr. who began producing cigars.
Nicaraguan tobacco contributed to Oliva's survival. The cigar that first drew the attention of experts was Oliva Serie V, which debuted in 2006. The Serie V line, created by a small group of rollers and combined for strength and style, was an instant success. To honour the first man in the family to grow cigar tobacco, Oliva introduced the Melanio variant in 2012, which is distinguishable from the original by a Sumatra-seed wrapper grown in Ecuador.
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