Premier Cigars, Pipes and Tobacco
Premier Cigars, Pipes and Tobacco
This Cigar works as a great introduction to the late hour range, available in singles or packs of 5 travel tins, UK next day delivery
The Davidoff Master Blenders have solved the challenge of creating a tiny format cigar with complexity and trademark Davidoff balance that is as diverse as the great aficionado's personality. A medium filler cigar made with tobaccos from Ecuador, Sumatra, the Dominican Republic, and the distinctive Condega tobacco from Nicaragua, aged in Scotch casks for more strong tastes than its counterpart in "The Original Series."
Wrapped in a lovely lustrous dark brown Habano seed wrapper cultivated in Ecuador, this Petit Panetela is 38 × 4 and is ideal for short periods of reflection when the sun goes down. When the cigar is lit, the aficionado's palate is pleased with notes of dark coffee and leather, followed by notes of pepper and wood. Spice notes emerge in the cigar's final third, but the trademark Davidoff elegance in taste and complexity remains intact. A delicious taste experience inspired by Winston Churchill's rich personality and periods in life when time was of the essence.
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