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      Gurkha Ghost Angel Single Tubed Cigar
      Gurkha Ghost Angel Single Tubed Cigar
      Gurkha Ghost Angel Single Tubed Cigar

      Gurkha Ghost Angel Single Tubed Cigar

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      Quantity :
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      Length: 6"
      Ring Gauge: 52
      Strength: Medium

      Packaging: Single cigar
      Vitola: Torpedo
      Smoking Time: 55 Minutes

      Wrapper: Brazilian Arapiraca
      Binder: Criollo
      Filler: Nicaraguan, Dominican


      Steeped in legend and history, the Gurkha Cigar, created more than a century ago, was reborn in 1989. The company has continuously rolled out meticulously handcrafted cigars, epitomizing all that is luxury.

      Today, Gurkha makes a cigar for all price points and all palates, but when it began, Gurkha cigars were unlike other cigars in the market. They also came in highly ornate packaging and with a steep price tag. Hansotia felt there was a market for more luxurious and exclusive cigars for those with tastes only for finer and more elusive products. In focusing on this segment, Hansotia created the ultra-premium cigar category.


      The Gurkha Ghost is a sleek and alluring cigar that should appear in anyone’s humidor. The Ghost Blend showcases a dark Brazilian Arapiraca Maduro wrapper, complemented by an aged Criollo 1998 binder and carefully selected Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers.

      Once lit, Gurkha Ghost expels clouds of smoke, as a medium-bodied profile produces hints of cocoa, sweetness, earth, and a dash of pepper.


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      Gurkha Ghost Angel Single Tubed Cigar

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      Gurkha Ghost Angel Single Tubed Cigar

      Gurkha Ghost Angel Single Tubed Cigar

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