Distinguished by their Cuban ancestry
H. Upmann is a legendary cigar brand that has weathered the test of time due to its commitment to quality and dedication to Cuban culture and tradition. H. Upmann cigars have been around since the early 1800s and have long been associated with dependability, consistency, and excellence in the tobacco industry.
A Look Back in Time
H. Upmann is one of the oldest cigar brands in the world. Hermann Dietrich Upmann (16 May 1816 - 1894) arrived in Havana, Cuba, in 1843, to handle business for Gravenhorst & Co., an importing and exporting corporation based in Bremen, Germany. Upmann purchased a local cigar factory after seeing the possibility for additional importing opportunities. In 1844, the factory at 85 San Miguel Street in Havana began making cigars under the H. Upmann brand. Simultaneously, he established a banking firm, initially serving tobacco sellers and producers.Hermann Upmann resigned in 1890 and was succeeded by his nephew, Heinrich Upmann, who ran the business with Heinrich Runken and Theodore Garbade until his death in 1914. Heinrich Upmann was replaced by Hermann and Albert (Alberto) Upmann, Heinrich's nephews. By 1900, H. Upmann cigar manufacture had relocated to 159-169 Paseo de Tacon (later renamed Avenida Carlos III) in Havana, between Calle Belascoin and Avenida Carlos III (Tercero). The H. Upmann Bank was located in Havana at Calle Mercaderes Amargura 1-3.
Upmann is sometimes attributed with the idea of presenting cigars in cedar boxes to clients. These first boxes were marked with the H. Upmann name and included cigars from other manufacturers, most likely as an advertisement for the operation, until the Upmanns purchased their own cigar factory in Havana in 1844: the famed H. Upmann Factory, today known as the José Mart Factory.
A Passion for Excellence
H. Upmann cigars are distinguished by their unwavering commitment to premium tobacco and the preservation of Cuban cigar-making traditions. The brand creates cigars with a complex and well-rounded taste by using only the finest tobacco leaves from Cuba and the talents of professional blenders.
H. Upmann offers a wide variety of cigar brands, each geared to a certain clientele. Among the most often cited passages are:
The H. Upmann Magnum 46 is known for its medium body and characteristic Cuban flavour, which often includes undertones of cedar, almonds, and delicate spices.
H. Upmann Half Corona from the brand's Half Corona assortment for a quick taste of Cuban tobacco with notes of cream, almonds, and traces of sweetness.
H. Upmann's Connoisseur No. 1 range comprises a variety of wrappers with medium to heavy body and coffee, cocoa and spice tastes.
Upmann, H. The Royal Robusto is a robust cigar that offers a sumptuous smoking experience with a variety of sophisticated aromas such as leather, coffee, and wood.
Tradition and Artisanship in Cuba
H. Upmann cigars are well-known for their outstanding quality and dedication to carrying on Cuba's long-standing cigar-making traditions. Connoisseurs prefer cigars from this brand because of the care and attention to detail that has made them so popular.
Leaving a Legacy of Success
The success of H. Upmann cigars over the years demonstrates that time-honored processes and exceptional products will never go out of style. A dedicated fan base of enthusiasts who enjoy the brand's craftsmanship and the richness of its cigars has evolved as a result of the company's commitment to offering premium Cuban cigars with an emphasis on beauty and sophistication.
the universe of Cuban history and excellence is yours to experience through H. Upmann cigars. H. Upmann is still a household name in the tobacco market due to its devotion to quality, vast selection of cigars to suit a wide range of preferences, and lengthy history of using traditional Cuban cigar-making methods. H. Upmann cigars allow you to experience the Cuban legacy and quality that have made them a trusted choice for cigar aficionados, whether you're a seasoned aficionado or just looking for a taste of real Cuban cigars.