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Will the UK ban Cigars?

Will the UK ban Cigars?

The plan, which would effectively prohibit the sale of tobacco, is expected to take the same shape as the restrictions enacted in New Zealand last December, when tobacco sales were prohibited to anybody born on or after January 1, 2009.

The reforms include gradually raising the legal smoking age, making it harder for future generations to buy cigarettes.

Although particular plans remain unknown, the UK is expected to outlaw the sale of cigarettes and tobacco to anyone born after a certain date, raising the smoking age each year. Anyone aged 14 and under will be unable to purchase cigarettes if the limits are implemented in the UK by 2027.

Mr Sunak told the Conservative Party conference that the ban would not take away the right of current smokers to smoke and that a vote on the measure in parliament would be a "matter of conscience" with no party whip.

In short, anyone who is already smoking is not in danger of being unable to continue their habit; however, the procuring and availability of cigars in particular may come under pressure; as the times shift and the overall number of smokers decreases, there is no telling what effects this will have on the wider market. 

The ban has only been proposed, so there is nothing to worry about just yet. However, some branches of the Conservative Party are completely opposed to the measure, and former Prime Minister Liz Truss encapsulates the feelings of many constituents with the statement "its time for the Conservatives to stop banning things." 

We appreciate the deep history and culture surrounding smoking here at at Churchills, and we believe, like many others, that it is our right, prerogative, and choice as to what substances we choose to put in our bodies. We will not be deterred by any proposed policies, and we will continue to supply the finest Cigars for many generations.

Please share your ideas in the comments section, and have a wonderful day/evening. 


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