Premier Cigars, Pipes and Tobacco
Premier Cigars, Pipes and Tobacco
The Heritage is a medium-bodied cigar with powerful flavours, hand-rolled in Nicaragua. The Heritage has an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper over Dominican, US, and Nicaraguan long fillers. The flavorful blend features rich coffee and dark chocolate undertones, with a subtle and well-balanced spiciness throughout. This cedar-wrapped cigar has a delicious and nuanced flavour.
Ring gauge: 54.
Length: 6.5 inches
The Gurkha Cigar, which originated over a century ago, was resurrected in 1989. The firm has consistently released meticulously produced cigars that embody all that is luxury.
Gurkha cigars are now available in a variety of price points and palates, but when they first launched, they were unlike any other cigar on the market. They also came in elegant packaging and had a hefty price tag. Hansotia believed there was a market for more luxury and unique cigars for those who prefer the finest and most elusive products. By focusing on this area, Hansotia established the ultra premium cigar category.
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